

I know I keep writing, but I’ve got another testimony! For a while, now, I’ve been praying over Nebraska Ave., and then I added Fowler Ave. for salvation and for revival to break out in those places. So Tuesday I was driving home along Fowler Ave. from USF. It had started raining. Well when I got to the intersection of Fowler Ave. and Nebraska Ave., do you know what I saw?! There were just a couple of people standing on that corner, in the rain, holding up these signs, one in English and the other in Spanish. The sign said, “Jesus is coming. Are you ready?” Boy, did I ever rejoice!

I felt ashamed when Pastor Rodney told us that, whoever we are, as long as we’re Christians, it’s our job to win souls. I had never done that before, and I took what he had said to heart. So this Indian telemarketer called me on the phone the other day, trying to sell me long distance calling service. The connection was really bad; I think he must have been calling from India. I thought about it for a couple of seconds and then I told him that I’ve got something better – Jesus Christ. I asked him if he wanted to receive Jesus Christ and he said, “Yeah, why not?” So I started to lead him in the prayer of salvation but he got a little freaked and handed the phone to a female who had a heavy Indian accent as well. I asked her if she wanted to receive Jesus Christ and she said, “Yeah, why not?” So I led her in the prayer of salvation!!!!!! THEN, she was still trying to sell me long distance calling service. And as I was explaining to her that I didn’t need anymore long distance calling service, I think it began to sink in with her what had transpired because she became very grateful. And by the end of the phone call, she kept telling me to have a nice day, etc. I just wanted to share that because I thought it was pretty neat. They thought they were calling because they wanted to sell me something, but what they didn’t realize was that they were calling me all the way from India because they really wanted something more, and one of them got it! And now they have been shown the love of God, possibly for the very first time.

Julie S
Land O’Lakes Florida United States