Great Awakening Tour City #21 Miami, Florida | Cristina A Testimony

Great Awakening Tour City #21 Miami, Florida

Hey, I came back from Iraq in November, I had 3 friends that passed away in Iraq, and I never got a chance to speak to them about Christ. I had such a conviction in my heart and on my hands, When Pastor Rodney Brown came to the Ft. Lauderdale and Miami area, I went to go see him. And I gave my life back to Christ again, that second day I went out to the nursing homes and I got the chance to share the gospel script in a Veterans Hospital. That day god showed me that anyone can preach the gospel, 46 souls came to Christ that day and I never preached before ever in my life. Praise god!

Happy Birthdays, Rodney & Adonica! We attended last Friday’s meeting at which Drummond Thom spoke. Before the meeting, my husband Dan had privately asked the Lord for a few specific things, including doing a brand new thing in his personal ministry. I did not know about this, as I was having a birthday dinner with our son elsewhere. At the River, several minutes after Drummond had already laid hands on us and prayed for a double portion of anointing on our lives, he passed by Dan, stopped and began prophesying that the Lord was going to do a ” brand new thing” in his ministry, and continued speaking forth other wording that was precisely what Dan had prayed. Yay, God! During the course of the other meetings that weekend, the Lord spoke to me and said that we were going to bring a ” raincloud” back with us to Lawtey Prison and to the mental hospital in MacClenny where I am chaplain. So at our Sunday night service ( on my birthday ), the Lord gave me the best birthday gift ever! After I taught on impartations, I was trying to say that now we were going to listen to the Rodney Howard- Brown tape, ” The Sweet Presence of Jesus”, but I suddenly couldn’t get the words out of my mouth. I got hit with Holy laughter and jolts, volts and bolts of electricity, so Dan took the mike. Then many of the prisoners got struck with laughter too, as the Holy Spirit did a prison break ( from the outside in!) I turned as red as my dress, Dan says, and many of them did too!

Then we laid hands on many who were falling like flies! Hallelujah! Now they’ve asked us to do a Revival there next month, and they’re all excited about bringing the lost. It was something I’d been praying for, for over 25 years- ever since a guy came to my Bible school in Tulsa ( Victory ) with that anointing of joy and turned the place upside down. Thank You Jesus! Nothing like a tangible, transferable anointing, I say ! ( Wait, that sounds familiar, ha ha ) Please keep in prayer our outreach at the Farmer’s Market at City Hall next Friday. Mighty Wind Ministry and some of our friends have 4 hours to preach, testify and worship the Lord with several Christian bands. Some of the soul winners your people trained at the Jax Great Awakening are coming too, and we are expecting ” a new thing”!!!! Glory to God! Thank you both for your awesome ministry, and your faithfulness to set an example. I just finished reading ” The New Wine is Better” by Drummond’s dad. Wow! What an inspiration! Great things are ahead, and are here now! We bless you all in Jesus’ mighty and majestic Name!

Cristina A
Hollywood Florida United States