Winter Campmeeting 2008 | Luminita P Testimony

Winter Campmeeting 2008

Shalom I forgot previously to click that I give you permission to publish all testimonies I have sent you. Luminita (little light in Romanian)

Rodney, my wife and I was new Christians, and we were hungry, we came to meetings time after time, and always being touched, my wife laid on the floor at one meeting for an hour, screaming and laughing both, i had been belly laughing man times, now all of that was good, it felt great, needed it at that time, for many reasons. But the real thing was the transference that it had. we had moved to Ga. and this is where I meet Mike Childs which now is a friend of yours. When we would come to the meetings and then go back to our old church new Life, we would come back and people knew we were different, then it started to hit people I knew. We remember being in my house and I had three couples watching a video, One girl said I wouldn’t laugh, the other said she wouldn’t cry, well shortly after that we went up to the church to pray at midnight and just the opposite happened to these girls as we were praying, and then they all hit the ground for 45 mins. the next week Courtney coon was healed from a female thing. But that was just the beginning, We had moved to Oregon and many things had happened there that was only the Holy Spirit and the transference of Anointing.

We have been flowing with that for so many years, and I know it was just from the laying on of hands in Jax.We have lead many people to the Lord, God has given me words for so many and they have come to pass. we sure didn’t get anything in all of the other dead churches we went to, but we let God flow, and still pastors didn’t like it, and some new what it was. But after all these years of trusting and believing we have been slowly during up, we saw Todd in Oregon and got touched again. We moved to Tenn. to get out of the dead west and it’s not much better here, so we need to be touched again, and again. I know it’s up to us to stay filled, But we need a refreshing, we have poured out with our all. i also have started going into churches to sing, and just want that anointing to be as strong as I can have. Rodney, thanks for staying true, when so many others have lost there boldness.

I pray for you all and pray that you will never become transformed into a robot for the church or anyone else’s ways. I believe the toughest times we will ever see, are minutes away and we need everything we can get to defeat these demons, when a lot are in and running the churches. We will be at your next meetings here in S.C. I believe it is. I sent you a CD through Todd and Katie Holmes, I don’t know if you got it, or if you will ever read this, but I believe that God sent you to just touch us that time, plus others but us for sure. may God Bless you in these last days to be a mighty warrior, a double portion of even right knows anointing. Please if you didn’t get that CD, please let me send you one, as a token of how grateful we are. I went from a didn’t care kind of guy to a soldier with a sword, fighting in the ditches, for the Gospel of CHRIST!! Please send a little prayer up for my family and me. Mark Doolittle

Luminita p
wasilla Alaska United States