Winter Campmeeting 2008 | Judy N Testimony

Winter Campmeeting 2008

PLEASE NOTE *** IN THIS LETTER TO GOD TV FOUNDERS Dear Rory and Wendy, What a blessing you guys are! I am watching more and more often via internet. ***This week has been awesome with Rodney Howard Browne’s ConferenCE!*** I must tell you this. As I was watching a few minutes ago and you guys were talking about the trip to Israel, Rory was saying that we are seated with Christ in heaven, looking down, I saw myself in that position saying “COME UP!” and when Rory prayed he said…”COME UP!” It was like a confirmation that the Lord is calling me to go to Israel with you all in May.I have sent for the brochure. I need a miracle to do it. PRAY and agree with me please. It will be my second trip there…the first in 1997. I live in the Gulf Coast area of Mississippi, southern USA, where hurricane Katrina hit in 2005. I KNOW that God has put it in my heart that this is my year for miracles! I drive 1 and a half hours to attend Pastor John Kilpatrick’s church called Church of His Presence in Daphne, Alabama.He is a friend of Steve Hill and the former pastor of the Brownsville revival. On January 13, 2008, he had us to write and declare prophetically all that we are believing God for this year. This is my list: #1 I will marry THE man of God for my life. ( I have been single for 8 years) #2 I will enter into the ministry God has ordained for me. (Part of my calling is missions trips) *** #3 I will be on FIRE for God! ( This week I have stirred up the fire because of the RHB meetings.It has been awesome!) **** #4 I will be out of debt and blessed so abundantly that I cannot contain it. #5 My son, 3 grandsons and daughterinlaw will come into the kingdom and worship and serve him. #6 I will go on missions trips, (Israel will be the first one for this year) minister to the hurting, (women friends are calling me for minstry and prayer) see lives changed,see miracles,signs, and wonders come to pass.#7 I will preach the word of God! and I will prophecy in the annointing! #8 I will be a part of Church of His Presence.

Judy N
Diamondhead Mississippi United States