Matters of the Heart | Hannah Puder Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

This past Sunday, December 13th, the River Church had an amazing outreach called Operation Raven. The church gave out 1,000 toys to kids in need of presents, boxes of food to each family, hot dogs for the kids, and even a bike give away. Over 300 church members volunteered to make this event happen. There was such an exuberant spirit of joy among all the volunteers. It was obvious that each one had donated their time willingly to help make Operation Raven possible. I was so blessed to be a part of Operation Raven and help reach out to so many kids.

When I arrived at the church at seven thirty in the morning, there were already parents with there kids in line to register for the toy give away. The church did not open the doors until nine. I thought to myself, they think that they are here to get presents for their kids and food for the week, but today they are getting the greatest gift anyone could receive, eternal life.

Was preaching an awesome salvation message and because I was in the back production room, I got to see the kid’s faces up close on the different camera shots.. Kids were weeping under the presence of God. Lives were impacted for eternity.

The whole day was supernatural. From the first down beat of worship, to the altar call, to the toy give away, the Spirit of God moved and coordinated the day so everything flowed smoothly. The proof of the pudding was the souls that were saved all because the Body of Christ came together and operated as God intended it to.